The Tale of Chetan and the Magic Scroll
Hello Kids!!
Today I want to tell you a small story. The story is about a little boy. His name is Chetan. Chetan is a Six-year-old bright and smart boy. Chetan lived in a beautiful home in a small, beautiful village surrounded by greenery, along with his parents, grandparents, and his beloved sister Yamuna. His grandfather is a wise man. Chetan was just like you. He is very smart and active—always running around, playing games, flying kites, making paintings and crafts. And ah! What he loved most is listening to his grandpa’s stories under the big banyan tree just in front of their house.
One day, Chetan was playing under the Banyan tree alone. He found a magical wooden scroll. It looked mysterious. It was not like the scrolls Chetan has seen in his grand fathers wooden chest. This one is different, very attractive, shimmered and glowing. Chetan’s eyes widened with surprise. He touched in the middle of the scroll. The very moment the screen shimmered with bright light. Chetan saw a visual of two monkeys doing tricks. Few seconds passed. It stopped. Chetan touched it again. Then the magic scroll started running continuously showing one video after another. The scroll never stopped.
Spell of the Magic Scroll
Hours passed. Days passed. Chetan didn’t even realise he had stopped playing outside. His gilli-danda lay forgotten in a corner. His painting colors dried up. Chetan stopped helping his mother in the kitchen anymore. He even ignored his sister Yamuna. He stopped listening his grandfather’s bed time stories.
Months passed. Chetan now completely addicted to the scroll. He’s enjoying the videos one after another. Comedy videos, art and crafts videos, funny animations, what not.
Soon Chetan started feeling tired. His eyes hurt. His head felt heavy. He felt isolated. He felt restless. Even though he was not going outside, he felt exhausted. Even in his dreams, he saw only the never ending moving pictures from the magic scroll.
Shocking Realisation
Finally one day, Chetan realised something has changed in him and wanted to discuss with his family. He ran to his father – and shocked. His father was staring at a glowing scroll – just like his. He ran to his mother – she too lost in her own magic scroll. His uncle, aunt, grandparents, even his little sister Yamuna – everyone trapped in the same spell under the magic scroll.
Chetan didn’t understand when this happened. He soon realised the magic scroll is indeed a deviil. Its not making them happy. In fact it’s killing their joy. The joy of playing with friends and family. Chetan recalled his old days where he used to talk and play with his father, he used to spend time in the kitchen while helping his mother. Suddenly he realised how much he missed his grandpa’s bedtime stories and the most he missed playing with his little sister, whom he loved a lot.
Breaking Free
Chetan decided to change and promised to himself that he will bring the lost happiness back into his home. He went to his father and pulled his father’s hand – Father! let’s go for a walk! It’s a beautiful day. But father denied, seriously looking into his magic scroll. Chetan forced. Finally father agreed unwillingly. He also called Yamuna to join them. Yamuna joined them. They enjoyed the walk. Father too realised how the entire family used to spend time together. Upon return, Chetan shared the happiness with his mother and grand parents.
Chetan started his physical activities again and encouraged Yamuna for real adventures. They both played all kinds of physical games, made some beautiful crafts together and decorated their home. They both started enjoying the real magic of spending time with nature, family and friends. Chetan is very happy. But the happiness is real this time.
Too much of anything is dangerous
Of course, he and Yamuna still watched the moving pictures on the magic scroll, but this time they limited it for a little while. Chetan’s grandpa called both Chetan and Yamuna and taught them a very important lesson – too much of anything, even magic is dangerous. And it takes away the real fun from the life.
Today, we all have that magic scroll in our hands. Can you take a guess? Yes you are right. It’s the smartphones. And we call the moving pictures Shorts and Reels. There are numerous ill-effects of watching reels for long. They keep showing us one thing after another, making it impossible to stop. But remember, real happiness isn’t inside a screen. It’s outside – in playing, talking to people we love, meeting new people, exploring the world around us.
So, next time you see someone lost in their magic scroll, tap their shoulder and say – “Put it away my friend! Let’s go out and play”.